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Our company is engaged in supplying of electronic components

Capacitors Diodes Electromechanical devices IC’s, UNF modules, Microassemblies Lampes, Indicators LEDs, Indicators Piezo, SAW, X-tal, Filters Power semiconductor Resistors Switshing devices Throttles, transformers Transistors Vacuum tubes Wires, connectors Miscellaneous
We are happy to offer you the widest range of electronic components and items available on the market and ready for export. Moreover, we are open to collaborating with international companies to facilitate the export of a variety of products abroad.

Promelectronica is an importer of products produced in different countries. We offer supplies of electronic components and other spare parts within the shortest time frame and at the best prices.

To find out the cost of the product you are interested in, send your enquiry at our email address and we will reply with our best offer as soon as possible.

You can also mention your target price and we will try to meet your needs.

All our products are high quality and reliable which makes them rather competitive. We buy all the components at our own expense and store them at our warehouses ready for your purchase order.

You can pay for goods before the dispatchment date as well as within 30 days after the delivery.

Thank you for your interest. Looking forward to your email enquiries.